older couple picking fruit from outdoor market

3 Vitamins Caregivers (and Older Adults) May Need to Supplement

Family Caregivers, most of whom are over the age of 55, are at a higher risk for health issues due to the stress of day-to-day caregiving. Nutrition is something we usually brush aside for other matters, such as doctors appointments and ensuring our family’s happiness, but it is at the core of remaining vibrant and

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Showing Gratitude during National Family Caregiver Month

November is a time to recognize the more than 40 million family caregivers across this country who help aging parents, ill spouses, and disabled individuals remain safe and as independent as possible. Family caregivers are often hardworking individuals who work full time, manage children, and care for their family members after hours—they are the unsung

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How Physical Therapy Can Help You Be a Safer Caregiver

Physical therapists (PTs) can be a huge asset for caregivers PTs can help you be a safer caregiver through answering questions about implementing home exercise programs, proper equipment use, and minimize falls and accidents. Alyssa O’Krent PT, DPT, OCS, our Physical Therapist expert, works at Texas Physical Therapy Specialists in Central Texas. Check out their

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Important Financial Questions to Consider When Preparing Parents for Long-Term Care

Oftentimes, it is up to an adult child to investigate how long-term care needs will be financed for a parent. How do you know what your parents can afford so you can help them make appropriate long-term care choices?  Here are a few questions to consider that will help: What are their assets? It’s important

Important Financial Questions to Consider When Preparing Parents for Long-Term Care Read More »